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  • What are the payment methods?
    For your convenience we are partners with the Glinpay payment platform. And through this platform, you can pay with your national or international credit card and pay in up to 12 installments, or if you prefer, you can pay via pix.
  • How can I schedule a service?
    You can schedule an appointment via email: or via WhatsApp +1 (301) 960-8940.
  • What are the opening hours?
    Monday to Friday from 10AM - 6PM.
  • Is it possible to track my shipping?
    Yes. After your box has been shipping @smartshopper3 will provide you a tracking code with that you can track the status of your shipping on the post office.
  • How do I know if my shipping was taxed?
    To find out if your shipment was taxed, you need to check it on the postal website, using the tracking code provided by @Smartshopper3. And if taxes are due, a message will appear: “awaiting payment”. This means that your shipment has been taxed and you need to pay the Import Tax within the deadline. Now if the message appears as "customs inspection completed", it means that your shipment was exempt from Import Tax.
  • Is an individual obliged to pay Import Tax?
    Yes. Import tax is charged at a rate of 60% on the total value of the product and any shipping and insurance fees. And in some States, ICMS is also subject to State Tax. In accordance with the new rules of the Import Law that came into force on August 1, 2023. Imports by individuals cannot exceed the value of US$3,000 per operation.
  • Can I pay late Import Tax?
    No. The deadline to pay the Import Tax is currently 20 calendar days. Missing the deadline for paying the Tax due will result in the analysis of the destination of the order and, in this case, the inspection may determine that it is returned, destroyed or considered lost. If the return of the object to the sender is approved, the recipient will bear the postal shipping costs. Therefore, follow the tracking of your shipping through the post office website.
  • You did not find what you were looking for?
    Get in touch by email: ec@smartshopper or WhatsApp +1(301)960-8940.
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